Japandroids – Tuesday July 11 2017 at The Corner Hotel.
When Kokomo’s therapist recently played a game of word association the word “Japan” triggered just one response: Cat-bus. When she then said the word “android”, Kokomo immediately thought of “Masayuki Ozaki” and the beginning of the end of all life on Earth. Merging the two into “Japandroid” alone would’ve convinced Kokomo to buy a ticket for the show. And he also could’ve been easily sold on the simple concept of “The Replacements meets The Boss”. Add to this that The Corner sells Budweiser and KoJo is there.
The Wedding Present – Thursday July 13 2017 at Bella Union Bar.
Kokomo remembers his wedding. Well, he remembers waking up that morning and putting on a tux at 8am just as his brother-in-law knocked on the door with a tray of Tequila shots. He also remembers singing along to Bohemian Rhapsody on the dance floor at some point. Top night! Kokomo likes The Wedding Present’s classic album George Best, which they are playing in full. Kokomo also relates profoundly to a band that has lost almost more members than he has during his chequered and bleak musical career.
Joe Pugg & Courtney Marie Andrews – Friday July 14 2017 at Caravan Music.
Love Police Touring rarely let Kokomo and his outlaw country-loving, Wild Turkey drinking, next day forgetting pals down. Go along to hear Joe Pugg’s Do His Fathers Drugs and Hymns 35 through 101. Then stay to hear Courtney Marie Andrews covering Uncle Neil. One of the only places out on the town this Friday night you can feel at home in your Huck Finn jean overalls.
XoXo – Kokomo