Green Day Review – May 6 2017 at Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne.
Kokomo can be quite considerate and caring towards Mrs Jones. So it is with this that he found himself at a Green Day show on a Saturday night.
Many a night teenage Kokomo would sit in his room, flipping over the sides of his C90 cassette with Dookie on one side and Kerplunk on the other. Koko reveling in the angst and unattainably cool skater imagery it conjured up. A mid-twentied Kokomo didn’t identify with the overinflated self-importance of American Idiot. Green Day became lost on Koko in 2004 as he turned his attention to more highbrow affairs. For example, A Ghost Is Born, Funeral and that Nickelback album that has Figured You Out on it.
Kokomo is helplessly prone to nostalgia and its intoxicating effects (see above). It comes as no surprise then that Kokomo and his special lady friend had the, um, Time Of Their Life’s shouting along to anything from arguably music’s greatest decade, the 1990s.
Billie Joe Armstrong might believe himself to be saviour of the disaffected. But all Kokomo could see was a dude who loves getting applause. Like, really fucking loves it. Any online sleuth could deduce the banter was scripted: “This is not a fucking tea party, this is a fucking rock’n’roll party, baby!”, “Tonight is about unity you guys” and the ill-fated “Tonight we’re going to end racism, sexism, homophobia and get rid of Trump.” Kokomo agreed, those things are not good. If Billy Joe could solve the world’s problems by 11pm, this would surely have to increase Kokomo’s chances, post-show, at home, in the privacy of his own house, right?
Final Thoughts
At the time of writing it was announced that Dr. Kokomo Jones Esquire (Pl.) has begun legal proceedings against Billie Joe Armstrong (Def), with Jones claiming all damages.
XoXo – Kokomo